Andrew Bennett, Managing Partner Technology

“No Ragrets”, - We’re the Millers (2013)

Employed in the IT industry for over 26 years, Andrew has supported, implemented, and has trained in almost any IT technology since the advent of the internet. During that time his career has spanned many genres in the industry, from support, to implementation, to engineering and onwards to Business Advisory and workplace efficiency.

As a Managing Partner of The I.T. Company, Andrew’s expertise and accountabilities lie in the service offerings, technology and business approach used for the execution of The I.T. Company’s market facing presence, as well as assistance in the execution of the company’s vision.

Andrew’s passion lies not so much the technology that The I.T. Company utilizes to provide solutions to their clients, but more for the analyzation and solution-building of their client’s internal operations, utilizing new approaches and technology solutions to go beyond what any other I.T. Company can offer their clients.

Andrew enjoys spending time working on his many hobbies, including espresso (roasting and tasting), culinary hydroponics, retail therapy, gastronomy, hunting, travel, camping and prepping!

The IT Company