Hey there! My name is Jax and I have the most important job at the office. I alert everyone when the mailman comes or at every courier that knocks on the door.
Sometimes I even bark at the staff walking in to be sure its safe. I’m told that I am very cute and smart but also always get told to be quiet and stop barking at people.
I love going to work with my mom but I don’t know what to tell her or anyone else, I am just doing my job which I take very seriously, so I think I’ll just continue and make sure to give everyone those big puppy dog eyes.
In my spare time, my mom takes me to my favorite park everyday so I can run around and try to catch birds & bunnies; which I’m a fast runner but I still can’t ever seem to catch ‘em…
My favourite games are keep away and tug of war! I love sun bathing, doing tricks and getting belly rubs from anyone & everyone when I can.